Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

The Secret of Facebook

The act, the social networking site, has a secret.
if you write the code, then the display will change to facebook like below.

Want to know how?

1. Login to
2. Click into the white page
3. Pinch of this code. (up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-b-a-enter)
4. you will get results ..
5. Does not appear?
6. please you scroll up or down with your mouse.
7. still can not?? Re-enter the code.
8. Still not appear? Maybe you're unlucky this time

4 komentar:

  1. cobalah ini dengan tekun,,
    niscaya akan terlihat rahasianya

  2. hhhmmmenarik ifnonya
    tapi mengganggu, gmn cara ngilanginnya??

  3. Maaf baru bisa balas,,
    Modem lupa di isi,,

    @agung : cara hilanginnya penced f5 aja..
    @iq parampaa : makasi gan..


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ingat !!
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